2004-10-04 19:59:06 UTC
Hi there DVDers
I want to by a set top box stand alone DVD / Hard Disk recorder (Does not
have anything to do with a PC ie goes with your tele (TV if you are
I want it to replace an aged VCR . I want it to be all singing all dancing
I want to have video plus (Most Important as her indoors might use it), A
big Hard disk, burn every type of format +- ram rom you name it.
I want it to read & write DIVx Xdiv Mp3 Mp4 Mp5 and every Mp there is Viw
Wav PM3 WMA WMB WMC CD-Video, S-Video, JPEG, MPEG-1,Pictrue CD, DivX
3.11, DivX 4.x, DivX 5.x, Xvid all in there + & - versions obviously.
CD-DA,MP3,Dolby Digital,
we haven't got enough of these have we.
Most people's grannies say you cant have everything in life but what comes
Basically is there a DVD recorder on the market that does almost every
thing? & plugs into a TV set ?
If not what comes closest?
Thanx JIMBo
I want to by a set top box stand alone DVD / Hard Disk recorder (Does not
have anything to do with a PC ie goes with your tele (TV if you are
I want it to replace an aged VCR . I want it to be all singing all dancing
I want to have video plus (Most Important as her indoors might use it), A
big Hard disk, burn every type of format +- ram rom you name it.
I want it to read & write DIVx Xdiv Mp3 Mp4 Mp5 and every Mp there is Viw
Wav PM3 WMA WMB WMC CD-Video, S-Video, JPEG, MPEG-1,Pictrue CD, DivX
3.11, DivX 4.x, DivX 5.x, Xvid all in there + & - versions obviously.
CD-DA,MP3,Dolby Digital,
we haven't got enough of these have we.
Most people's grannies say you cant have everything in life but what comes
Basically is there a DVD recorder on the market that does almost every
thing? & plugs into a TV set ?
If not what comes closest?
Thanx JIMBo